

Tyler Brust is an undergraduate student at UMBC that currently resides in Frederick, MD. He is pursuing a B.A. in Theatre Design and Production, as well as a minor in Computer Science. Additionally, he is employed as a student worker for the UMBC Theatre Department, where he works with the scene shop to assist in the production of the department’s shows.

Outside of academia, his interests include design, video games and production, and politics. These hobbies merge and influence his creative outlets in relation to worldbuilding, where he constructs worlds full of nuance, rich history, and logistics. Oftentimes, these stories are not told through verbal or written language, but through visual storytelling, be they maps, scenography, visual effects, or otherwise.

Furthermore, his goal is to use these worlds to help show what our world can be. That it can be full of passion, fairness, and security. Art can be used not only to capture the essence of the world as it exists, but as how the world should exist as well.